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4.0 ( 640 ratings )
Verktyg Musik
Utvecklare: Savelii Kaliupanov
0.99 USD

Attention and warning.
You don’t want this app as your first musical effect, if you just want some new app to love 10 minutes you need to skip this one. Program uses audio signal and sends it back to create echo effects and if you setup too much for feedback it can lead to loud volume bursts. At first you must understand what is Inter App Audio and Audiobus and use them with other apps.

Lalalab is a musical effect - delay, it can repeat the signal with feedback and the feedback can be up to 122%, but not for destroy your ears or headset obviously :П Using such big feedback values may be interesting with random enabling, to get some endless-kind of chaotic repeating.

Create long, rhythmically undetermined echoes with cautious and discreet implementation. 
Lalalab is effect based on part of Deregulator, but designed in “donuts” style with randomisers atop each parameter knob. Part of Deregulator’s engine used here is Echo with parameters “delay”, “feedback” and “speed” of changing random values. If you have Deregulator - you dont need lalalab at all :) D can make all-the-same-+-more

App have limiter to suppress loud bursts, but you must be extremely careful anyway. 
It would be good if you connect your favourite limiter application after Lalalab to avoid unexpected kick in the head.

Again about potentially dangerous feedback abilities - if you setup “feed” > 0.99 you’ll get guarantied loop and volume bursts up to silence in good case (limiter is killing volume) or damaged hardware or meatware (limiter fails or late). Use big values for feedback only with randomisers enabled and strong sincere prayer.

Lalalab is very simple, but dangerous, usually - if you need an instruction, maybe you just dont ready for it.
Be careful and good luck.

+ Audiobus and IAA
+ Stereo processing
+ Feedback up to 122%
+ Randomisers
+ Always enabled limiter, but dont believe him
